
Endorsements by Ilya Kashnitsky


  • Employment:Senior Researcher (Specialkonsulent), Methods and analysis, Statistics Denmark
  • Employment:Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Centre on Populations Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark
  • Employment:Postdoc, Interdisciplinary Centre on Populations Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark
  • Employment:PhD Researcher, Ageing and Longevity, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
  • Education:PhD, University of Groningen
  • Education:EDSD, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
  • Education:MSc, National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Education:BA, Moscow State University
  • Keywords:demographylife expectancypopulation age structure
  • Website:Personal WebsiteWebsite:SDUWebsite:BlueSkyWebsite:Web of Science (verified reviews)Website:SSRNWebsite:Google ScholarWebsite:GitHubWebsite:Open Science Framework

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