Clinical profile of Oropouche Fever in Bahia, Brazil: unexpected fatal cases
Directed brain interactions over time: A resting-state EEG comparison between schizophrenia and healthy individuals
Multilayer time-variant network edges synchronization method
Effects of Mindfulness Training on Emotional Reactivity
EEG quantitativo nos estudos sobre linguagem verbal em distúrbios cognitivos: uma revisão sistemática
Geochemical analysis of SAR backscattering (Sentinel-1) on global ocean oil spill cases
Maximum angular multiscale entropy: Characterization of the angular self-similarity patterns in two types of SAR images: Oil spills and low-wind conditions images
Deep Learning-Based Approaches for Oil Spill Detection: A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends and Challenges
Brain instability in dynamic functional connectivity in schizophrenia
A non-expensive bidimensional assessment can detect subtle alterations in gait performance in people in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease
Altered Dynamic Brain Connectivity in Individuals With Sickle Cell Disease and Chronic Pain Secondary to Hip Osteonecrosis
Analysis of intermunicipal journeys for cardiac surgery in Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS): an approach based on network theory
Complex network analysis of arboviruses in the same geographic domain: Differences and similarities
Examining the neural mechanisms of rTMS: a naturalistic pilot study of acute and serial effects in pharmacoresistant depression
Quantity and quality of suitable matrices matter in reducing the negative effect of fragmentation
Relation between Mass and Radius of Exoplanets Distinguished by their Density
Oil spill detection based on texture analysis: how does feature importance matter in classification?
Differences in Postural Balance, Pain Sensitivity and Depression between Individuals with Acute and Chronic Back Pain
Architectural design of classroom to stimulate learning in Higher Education
A Critical Analysis of the COVID-19 Hospitalization Network in Countries with Limited Resources
A Critical Analysis of the Hospitalization Network for COVID-19 Patients in Bahia, Brazil in the First Wave of the Pandemic
A social network approach for the study of leprosy transmission beyond the household
Brain Asymmetry in Pain Affective Modulation
Ephaptic entrainment in hybrid neuronal model
Estimating the effective reproduction number for heterogeneous models using incidence data
Jerk Optimization Model of Motor Control for Continuous Movement - A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Network analysis of spreading of dengue, Zika and chikungunya in the state of Bahia based on notified, confirmed and discarded cases
Network dynamic and stability on European Union
Qigong Training Positively Impacts Both Posture and Mood in Breast Cancer Survivors With Persistent Post-surgical Pain: Support for an Embodied Cognition Paradigm
Synchronized spread of COVID-19 in the cities of Bahia, Brazil
Tonic pain reduces autonomic responses and EEG functional connectivity elicited by affective stimuli
An Observational Study Comparing Fibromyalgia and Chronic Low Back Pain in Somatosensory Sensitivity, Motor Function and Balance
A Comparison of the Effect of Two Types of Whole Body Vibration Platforms on Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial
Spatial-temporal Correlation of Dengue Fever and Climatic Variables in the City of São Paulo, Brazil
Ephaptic Coupling in Hybrid Neuronal Model
Scaling effect in COVID-19 spreading: The role of heterogeneity in a hybrid ODE-network model with restrictions on the inter-cities flow
The Therapeutic Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients With Fibromyalgia. A Randomized Controlled Trial
Quantity and quality of suitable matrices matter in reducing the negative effect of fragmentation on populations extinction risk
Estimating Upper-Limb Impairment Level in Stroke Survivors Using Wearable Inertial Sensors and a Minimally-Burdensome Motor Task
Does meditation lead to a stable mind? Synchronous stability and time-varying graphs in meditators
Integrating Computational Methods to Investigate the Macroecology of Microbiomes
Investigating extradomiciliary transmission of tuberculosis: An exploratory approach using social network patterns of TB cases and controls and the genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Motor skill acquisition during a balance task as a process of optimization of motor primitives
Preferential interaction networks: A dynamic model for brain synchronization networks
The use of Social Network Analysis in a study of intergroup relations between affirmative action and regular students in a public university
Multiscale network for 20 stock markets using DCCA
On multifractals: A non-linear study of actigraphy data
Transcranial direct current stimulation in the treatment of cerebellar ataxia: A two-phase, double-blind, auto-matched, pilot study
Complex Upper-Limb Movements Are Generated by Combining Motor Primitives that Scale with the Movement Size
Fractal and multifractal properties of electrographic recordings of human brain activity: Toward its use as a signal feature for machine learning in clinical applications
Nonlocal dispersal of dengue in the state of Bahia
Relevance of transportation to correlations among criticality, physical means of propagation, and distribution of dengue fever cases in the state of Bahia
Self-affinity and self-organized criticality applied to the relationship between the economic arrangements and the dengue fever spread in Bahia
Tai chi for reducing dual-task gait variability, a potential mediator of fall risk in parkinson’s disease: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Towards the Ambulatory Assessment of Movement Quality in Stroke Survivors using a Wrist-worn Inertial Sensor
Using Zipf–Mandelbrot law and graph theory to evaluate animal welfare
Altered functional performance in patients with fibromyalgia
Characterization of access to normal childbirth care in Bahia state, Brazil, based on graph theory,Caracterização do acesso à assistência ao parto normal na Bahia, Brasil, a partir da teoria dos grafos,Caracterización del acceso a la asistencia en el parto normal en Bahía, Brasil, a partir de la teoría de grafos
Head movement measurement: An alternative method for posturography studies
Robustness in semantic networks based on cliques
Electroencephalographic patterns in chronic pain: A systematic review of the literature
Fractal measures of video-recorded trajectories can classify motor subtypes in Parkinson's Disease
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain display enhanced alpha power density at rest
Quantifying the contagion effect of the 2008 financial crisis between the G7 countries (by GDP nominal)
Self-affinity in the dengue fever time series
A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial of transcranial direct current stimulation in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
GradientLand Software: A landscape change gradient generator
Motif-Synchronization: A new method for analysis of dynamic brain networks with EEG
Quantifying cross-correlation between Ibovespa and Brazilian blue-chips: The DCCA approach
Social networks of men who have sex with men: A study of recruitment chains using Respondent Driven Sampling in Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil,Redes sociais de homens que fazem sexo com homens: Estudo das cadeias de recrutamento com Respondent Driven Sampling em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil,Las redes sociales de hombres que mantienen sexo con hombres: Estudio de muestreo en cadena con Respondent Driven Sampling en Salvador, Bahía, Brasil
Spreading effect of tDCS in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as shown by functional cortical networks: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial
Self-organized critical phenomenon as a q-exponential decay — Avalanche epidemiology of dengue
An investigation of Hebbian phase sequences as assembly graphs
Spatial variability structure of soil CO<sub>2</sub> emission and soil attributes in a sugarcane area
Spatio-temporal correlation networks of dengue in the state of Bahia
Viewing pain and happy faces elicited similar changes in postural body sway
Effect of the local morphology in the field emission properties of conducting polymer surfaces
How fast do stock prices adjust to market efficiency? Evidence from a detrended fluctuation analysis
Multi-agent simulation for enzyme kinetics
Multifractal analysis of soil properties along two perpendicular transects
A top-bottom price approach to understanding financial fluctuations
Detecting switching points using asymmetric detrended fluctuation analysis
Fractal description of the spatial and temporal variability of soil water content across an agricultural field
Fractal dimension and anisotropy of soil CO <sub>2</sub> emission in a mechanically harvested sugarcane production area
Statistical characterization of an ensemble of functional neural networks
A multifractal approach to characterize cumulative rainfall and tillage effects on soil surface micro-topography and to predict depression storage
A three-dimensional multi-agent-based model for the evolution of Chagas' disease
Assessing soil particle-size distribution on experimental plots with similar texture under different management systems using multifractal parameters
Comparative protein analysis of the chitin metabolic pathway in extant organisms: A complex network approach
Complex semantic networks
Dynamics of nervous conduction via the FitzHugh-Nagumo Model,A dinâmica de condução nervosa via modelo de FitzHugh-Nagumo
Modularity map of the network of human cell differentiation
Multifractal analysis of soil porosity based on mercury injection and nitrogen adsorption
Directional wavelets and a wavelet variogram for two-dimensional data
Graph theory defining non-local dependency of rainfall in Northeast Brazil
Modeling the Chagas' disease after stem cell transplantation
A computational model for cancer growth by using complex networks
Assessing soil surface roughness decay during simulated rainfall by multifractal analysis
Characterization of complex networks by higher order neighborhood properties
Development of a two-dimensional agent-based model for chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy after stem cell transplantation
Measuring distances between complex networks
Multifractal analysis of pore size distributions as affected by simulated rainfall
Describing soil surface microrelief by crossover length and fractal dimension
Field and electric potential of conductors with fractal geometry
Influence of government controls over the currency exchange rate in the evolution of Hurst's exponent: An autonomous agent-based model
Effect of tillage on fractal indices describing soil surface microrelief of a Brazilian Alfisol
Multifractal characterization of saprolite particle-size distributions after topsoil removal
Neighborhood properties of complex networks
Roughness of equipotential lines due to a self-affine boundary
The network of concepts in written texts
Characterizing anisotropy and heterogeneity of soil surface microtopography using fractal models
Self-similarity and protein chains
Spectral properties of the Apollonian network
Determination of the fractal dimension of equipotential surfaces in a region confined by rough conductors
Mother wavelet functions generalized through q-exponentials
Temporal and spatial persistence in rainfall records from Northeast Brazil and Galicia (Spain)
Lattice model for approximate self-affine soil profiles
R/S analysis of pluviometric records: Comparison with numerical experiments
Spatial variability of soil surface roughness measured by pin and laser reliefmeters,Variabilidade espacial da rugosidade superficial do solo medida com rugosímetros de agulhas e laser
Rescaled range analysis of pluviometric records in northeast Brazil