
National differences in gender–science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement

  • Brian A. Nosek
  • , Frederick L. Smyth
  • , Natarajan Sriram
  • , Nicole M. Lindner
  • , Thierry Devos
  • , Alfonso Ayala
  • , Yoav Bar-Anan
  • , Robin Bergh
  • , Huajian Cai
  • , Karen Gonsalkorale
  • , Selin Kesebir
  • , Norbert Maliszewski
  • , Felix Fernando Monteiro Neto
  • , Eero Olli
  • , Jaihyun Park
  • , Konrad Schnabel
  • , Kimihiro Shiomura
  • , Bogdan Tudor Tulbure
  • , Reinout Wiers
  • , Monika Somogyi
  • , Nazar Akrami
  • , Bo Ekehammar
  • , Michelangelo Vianello
  • , Mahzarin R. Banaji
  • , Anthony G. Greenwald

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