
ML5: Replications of Payne, Burkley, & Stokes (2008)

  • Ian Ferguson
  • , Austin Lee Nichols
  • , Angelo Panno
  • , Jacek Buczny
  • , Anna Dalla Rosa
  • , Michelangelo Vianello
  • , Emanuele Preti
  • , Payton Buchholz
  • , Brian A. Nosek
  • , Jon Grahe
  • , Jennifer Joy-Gaba
  • , Erica Casini
  • , Charles R. Ebersole
  • , Juliette Richetin
  • , Emily Fryberger
  • , Lawrence Woods
  • , Mauro Giacomantonio
  • , Luca Andrighetto

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