
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma is Spread to the Peripancreatic Soft Tissue in the Majority of Resected Cases, Rendering the AJCC T-Stage Protocol (7th Edition) Inapplicable and Insignificant: A Size-Based Staging System (pT1: ≤2, pT2: >2–≤4, pT3: >4 cm) is More Valid and Clinically Relevant

  • Burcu Saka
  • , Serdar Balci
  • , Olca Basturk
  • , Pelin Bagci
  • , Lauren M. Postlewait
  • , Shishir Maithel
  • , Jessica Knight
  • , Bassel El-Rayes
  • , David Kooby
  • , Juan Sarmiento
  • , Takashi Muraki
  • , Irma Oliva
  • , Sudeshna Bandyopadhyay
  • , Gizem Akkas
  • , Michael Goodman
  • , Michelle D. Reid
  • , Alyssa Krasinskas
  • , Rhonda Everett
  • , Volkan Adsay

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