
Genetic, vascular and amyloid components of cerebral blood flow in a preclinical population

  • Beatriz E Padrela
  • , Luigi Lorenzini
  • , Lyduine E Collij
  • , David Vállez García
  • , Emma Coomans
  • , Silvia Ingala
  • , Jori Tomassen
  • , Quinten Deckers
  • , Mahnaz Shekari
  • , Eco JC de Geus
  • , Elsmarieke van de Giessen
  • , Mara ten Kate
  • , Pieter Jelle Visser
  • , Frederik Barkhof
  • , Jan Petr
  • , Anouk den Braber
  • , Henk JMM Mutsaerts

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