
Eigenvector centrality dynamics are related to Alzheimer’s disease pathological changes in non-demented individuals

  • Luigi Lorenzini
  • , Silvia Ingala
  • , Lyduine E Collij
  • , Viktor Wottschel
  • , Sven Haller
  • , Kaj Blennow
  • , Giovanni Frisoni
  • , Gaël Chételat
  • , Pierre Payoux
  • , Pablo Lage-Martinez
  • , Michael Ewers
  • , Adam Waldman
  • , Joanna Wardlaw
  • , Craig Ritchie
  • , Juan Domingo Gispert
  • , Henk J M M Mutsaerts
  • , Pieter Jelle Visser
  • , Philip Scheltens
  • , Betty Tijms
  • , Frederik Barkhof
  • , Alle Meije Wink

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