
Are There Regional Variations in the Diagnosis, Surveillance, and Control of Methicillin-Resistant<i>Staphylococcus aureus?</i>

  • Hervé M. Richet
  • , Mohamed Benbachir
  • , Derek F. J. Brown
  • , Helen Giamarellou
  • , Ian Gould
  • , Marija Gubina
  • , Piotr Heczko
  • , Smilja Kalenic
  • , Marina Pana
  • , Didier Pittet
  • , Saida Ben Redjeb
  • , Jiri Schindler
  • , Carlos Starling
  • , Marc J. Struelens
  • , Wolfgang Witte
  • , William R. Jarvis
  • , International Network for the Study and Prevention of Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance (INSPEAR)

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