
Human occupation of northern Australia by 65,000 years ago

  • Chris Clarkson
  • , Zenobia Jacobs
  • , Ben Marwick
  • , Richard Fullagar
  • , Lynley Wallis
  • , Mike Smith
  • , Richard G. Roberts
  • , Elspeth Hayes
  • , Kelsey Lowe
  • , Xavier Carah
  • , S. Anna Florin
  • , Jessica McNeil
  • , Delyth Cox
  • , Lee J. Arnold
  • , Quan Hua
  • , Jillian Huntley
  • , Helen E. A. Brand
  • , Tiina Manne
  • , Andrew Fairbairn
  • , James Shulmeister
  • , Lindsey Lyle
  • , Makiah Salinas
  • , Mara Page
  • , Kate Connell
  • , Gayoung Park
  • , Kasih Norman
  • , Tessa Murphy
  • , Colin Pardoe

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