
Intrapancreatic distal common bile duct carcinoma: Analysis, staging considerations, and comparison with pancreatic ductal and ampullary adenocarcinomas

  • Raul S Gonzalez
  • , Pelin Bagci
  • , Olca Basturk
  • , Michelle D Reid
  • , Serdar Balci
  • , Jessica H Knight
  • , So Yeon Kong
  • , Bahar Memis
  • , Kee-Taek Jang
  • , Nobuyuki Ohike
  • , Takuma Tajiri
  • , Sudeshna Bandyopadhyay
  • , Alyssa M Krasinskas
  • , Grace E Kim
  • , Jeanette D Cheng
  • , N Volkan Adsay

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