
Reproducibility of arterial spin labeling cerebral blood flow image processing: A report of the ISMRM open science initiative for perfusion imaging (OSIPI) and the ASL MRI challenge

  • Andre M. Paschoal
  • , Joseph G. Woods
  • , Joana Pinto
  • , Esther E. Bron
  • , Jan Petr
  • , Flora A. Kennedy McConnell
  • , Laura Bell
  • , Maria‐Eleni Dounavi
  • , Cassandra Gould van Praag
  • , Henk J. M. M. Mutsaerts
  • , Aaron Oliver Taylor
  • , Moss Y. Zhao
  • , Irène Brumer
  • , Wei Siang Marcus Chan
  • , Jack Toner
  • , Jian Hu
  • , Logan X. Zhang
  • , Catarina Domingos
  • , Sara P. Monteiro
  • , Patrícia Figueiredo
  • , Alexander G. J. Harms
  • , Beatriz E. Padrela
  • , Channelle Tham
  • , Ahmed Abdalle
  • , Paula L. Croal
  • , Udunna Anazodo

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